As I'm going through this battle; literally, a battle. This constant back and forth in my mind between emotion and logic. I continue to receive compliments on my energy and my level of positivity. Even through frustration and tough times I still find things to laugh at. So what does this mean? What message is the universe trying to tell me? To go forth with my positivity. The people that I held to such high regards didn't appreciate it and found negativity in it which left me feeling like I was doing something wrong. Me being happy and a good person to others was a problem. Hearing so much about "energy vampires" or emotionally immature individuals who are almost incapable of seeing things from another's point of view and often lack empathy, narcissistic. Leaving you feeling emotionally and physically drained.
So what can you do if you feel like some one in your life is just so self centered and is constantly making you feel bad for not doing things to make them happy while not really doing much for your happiness or sanity. Distance. Try to distance yourself from that person, find solace and piece of mind in your alone time, think of this as your recharge time. Set healthy boundaries and stick to them. Don't always feel like you have to bend. This is something that we all do. In certain relationships or even friendships we feel like the only way to make them work and to keep that other person happy were going to have to do things we don't want to for the sake of that person. Its okay to say NO. My favorite is meditation. For some even just the word alone can be intimidating but sitting quietly for five minutes while deep breathing is meditation no candles, yoga mats or sound baths needed. Taking deep slow breaths while picturing yourself kind of surrounded in a bubble of safety can help to reset your energy.
The world is full of so many different personalities and characters you can never know what to expect from one second to another when it comes to dealing with people. You can never control how people perceive you or how they respond to you but what you can control is how YOU respond to this uncomfortable or unfavorable circumstance and your emotions. Beware of those who may want to take advantage of your kindness, or your positivity and leave you feeling emotionally drained and low.