Everyone is obsessed with being "snatched" or having the tiniest waist while leaving the T&A looking quite robust, but at what costs are you willing to look like an insta model? (Discount link in the last paragraph)
Since the days of the corsets the tiny waist to big hip ratio has been the epitome of what a woman's sexy body should look like. A few days away from 2020 body positivity & equality is preached more than anything else but there's still this giant contradiction on what beauty really is. There is no in-between you're either on the side of eat what you want and be who you are, happy and comfortable in your own skin because beauty is ultimately in the eye of the beholder OR you've purchased every lip kit you can afford, you wake up an hour early to do your hair and make up & all of your "best" photos highlight your … ASSets. If you're doing it merely for the likes and the mentions then you're definitely doing it wrong. I'm an avid believer in doing things for your own happiness not for the gratitude of some one else telling you that you should.
After a few several health scares I had no choice but to be concerned with what was going in and out of my body and I knew I had to make changes immediately.(cue my obsession with health and wellness) (mental & spiritual included). I had one goal in mind; to be cancer free and healthy. With this came abs and muscles I forgot I had, but the results can feel like a hit of a drug so I can totally understand how some can get consumed by the insta model mindset and popularity.
Get up and sweat because you want to NOT because you want to look like some one else, you'll never reach your goal if your goal is to be some one else. Be happy being you but never stop being the best version of yourself. Go ahead and buy that waist trainer and sweat your ass off because YOU deserve it. Nothing more nothing less. These waist trainers and sweat belts always come with instructions which I highly suggest, under certain circumstances (everyone's body is different & what works for one bod might not work for another) you can experience extreme discomfort and possibly some organ shifting so never wear for more than a few hours at a time.
With your newly made body PLEASE KEEP YOUR BOOTY PICS BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR BOO, NOT ON YOUR PROFILE! Don't nobody wanna see that.
I got mine from here, a company called WaistGameTight. I chose them because they were running a 40% off flash sale (they run flash sales every other week)with an additional 10% off for supplying my email which I usually regret very soon after, but thankfully they don't flood me with spam emails. They also have sweat vests for men and weight loss supplements.