"It's okay you can tell me. How did he kill you?"
Exasperated and frustrated "I don't want to talk about it" she whined.
This whole process was becoming monotonous, the back and forth and never at a convenient time. When the spirits come to you it's because they need your help. Speak to them and help them be free is what my grandmother used to always say. Ever since I turned thirteen I would encounter people whos physical had left this plane long ago but some how they remained stuck here lingering in search of, whatever, be it love, peace, revenge or maybe just a little bit of guidance in the form of an ear. But the past few weeks had been extra daunting. A young girl in true teen angst fashion continued to disturb me. As I'm drifting off just about to reach the point of slumber I feel a plop at the edge of my bed accompanied with a sigh and I know she's returned to give me some attitude for trying to help.
She wakes me almost every other night, but lately I could feel her becoming more and more anxious and irritable. It was her time to go but for some reason she was still holding on to the thing that hurt her. So I asked again, the frustration starting to show in my tone.
"Mandy, dear there's nothing more we can do. He's gone and never coming back you're safe here and I promise if you don't want me to tell anyone I won't, It'll stay between me and you."
I can see her beginning to reconsider opening up to me and just as she purses her lips to speak her brows begin to furrow and she lets out a wild banshee of a screech and all my nicely set perfumes and makeup brushes fly off of my dresser across the room and crash against my window, leaving glass on the floor and as the scents of cotton candy, flowers, and musk filled the air she was gone.
It would be almost three weeks before Mandy would return to my bedside with a plop and a sigh but this time would be different, this time I didn't greet her like a long lost friend this time I remained in my sleeping position not moving an inch. I could feel her irritability again begin to grow as she wandered around my room looking at photos of friends and family displayed along the walls. She grabbed Mr. Bunns, a small soft plush bunny I couldn't live without as a child from his chair in the corner of the room, and laid next to me nestling Mr. Bunns sweetly between us both. A few moments passed before she started to sob.
"Mr. Bunns is a really good listener" I said with my eyes still closed.
" I ain't talking to your stupid bunny" she scoffed.
"Well talk to yourself because I'm trying to sleep" I snapped and instantly regretted the words as soon as they left my lips.
As her temper started to flair the bed began to softly rumble then stop.
"I should have never trusted him. I should have never let him get so close to me. It's all my fault and now everyone I love is suffering. It's because of me." She growled through her sobs.
Not sure if I should speak, I waited, eyes still closed nestled next to Mr. Bunns in my most favorite sleeping position. She was restless and angry and the more I asked the more she pushed back. I knew some one she had loved took her life but she never divulged any more than a 'he' or 'him'. Some how finding comfort in my silence she finally told me what happened.
"He just kept hitting me" She cried. "He pulled my hair and threw me on the ground and he just wouldn't stop hitting me, He said I couldn't love him right I didn't deserve to love anyone, I tried to tell him to stop, I begged and I kicked but he punched harder and harder. Until I couldn't see and then he kept going until I couldn't hear, and all of a sudden everything got real warm and the next thing I know I'm in my living room and my whole family is standing around crying and asking God why he'd taken me."
I turned around to look at her young hollow face and it took every inch of me to not burst into tears. This poor girl stuck thinking she did something to deserve her brutal attack from some one she loved and trusted. Not knowing what else to say I told her that she was beautiful, and in no way did she deserve any of the things she went through, I assured her that Bunns and I would be there for her for as long as she needed us. That night changed my life and I know it changed hers too. I never saw Mandy again.